Tuesday, September 29, 2009


The Townhalls were like wrestling...but instead of having cool stunts you have misinformed old people.

Monday, September 28, 2009

We all know this...

but you don't have to say it Bill! Yes, the right wing machine is awesome good (or evil) and its out to destroy Obama. Everyone knows that (except those who are slave to the machine), but the ex prez doesn't need to say it!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fox News knows whats Important

Don't worry about the terrorist, Top Billing should be worry about the 1st grade teacher who made a bad choice in Jersey.
(oddly enough this same story was on Drudge..hmmmm)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A Reason I voted Obama.

Mostly I have been just posting things about how the Republicans are just a joke right now, even though they get a lot of good press.

However, I haven't posted enough on why I think the Obama administration is a good thing for our country.

Well, here is something. Its an Article about Obama fussing at the World Community. He can do this, because he is not a hypocrite, unlike the past 8 years.

In case you didn't know what to be afriad of

Acorn? Really? You want to talk about Acorn.

Tired of hearing about Acorn? Hand them them a copy of this next time, and ask them if Acorn is really worth talking about.

Update..Link works now.

Update II..seriously, now the link works.

Glenn Beck thinks he is equal to Jon Stewart? I think not.

For one thing, Jon Stewart never endorsed inflicting harm on members of Congress. Politicususa.com

The Daily Show on the Values Voters Summit

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Moral Kombat
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorHealthcare Protests

Friday, September 18, 2009

Still hating on Fox

Yes, I am over doing Hate Fox News Day, but its propanda machine went off kilter today..

Best part is at 6:40

Today is Hate Fox Day on the blog

Just Make It UP

Apparently Fox cannot get enough of Acorn

Notice how they have ACORN mentioned 5 times on the home page and how they try to associate it with Pelosi by putting most of the ACORN links under the story about her.

Fox vs. Reality

Using Daily Kos as a source is just as wrong as basing your opinion on Fox News, but you this pretty much shows what Fox cares about.

Healthcare plan protestors/Anti-Obama jerkoffs can add offending Holocaust survivors to their resumes

Holocaust survivor assaults protestors with Obama-as-Hitler posters.

If Obama is Hitler, then does that mean the neo-Nazi skinheads support him?

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Is this the straw?

Mark Sanford, please go away.

Glenn Beck:The Movie--Starring Andy Griffith

In honor Micheal Jackson, DC returns to the 80's!

Jimmy Carter Stinks!

Be afraid of Poor Black People!

Russia is Evil!

He's got a point, maybe several

Words of Paul Rieckhoff, Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, when he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher recently: "...Our country has been divided since 9/11, really, and there's no more time for partisanship and bickering, especially in a time of war. When I was in the military, we weren't Republicans or Democrats. We were all united in defending our country. And if we do, god forbid, get hit again, the Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Socialists, everybody else and their mother need to get together and figure out how to defend this country and take care of each other. That's what I saw eight years ago today...And Glenn Beck can go to Afghanistan, too. I'm fine with that."
Further into the discussion: "Bill, if we want to send a message to the terrorists eight years later, how about fixing Ground Zero. I mean, it's eight years later and there's still a hole at Ground Zero. Every politician in this country beat on their chest and said how we are going to fight back and show them how resilient we are. I live in Manhattan. I live in New York City. We were incredibly affected just like everyone else, but there's still a hole there. And it's a testament to the bureaucratic inefficiency, the infighting, and the greed that has dominated our politics."

Oh No Joe

Today Joe, local idiot, said that Obama should be ashamed for not going on Fox News Sunday since he is going on every other Sunday Show.
Let it be noted, after his "You Lie" speech, Joe only went on Fox News Sunday to defend himself.
(Crap, I stole this from Wonkette and not thinking that I did, but yes, I stole.)
The reason Obama is not going to Fox News is because Fox News viewers have already made up their minds, plus with 23 1/2 hours of airtime devoted to 10 employees at Acorn, there wasn't much time to change minds.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

912 Protest

At the 6:30 point Boiling Spring Showed Up

Makes me a little sick.

Rush Actually said this.

And please don't forget ther are a million and a half fights everday at school.

Also don't forget that Rush was named today one of the top ten most powerful people in the media.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Lol..Caught on Tape

They beat me to it.

I took this screen shot earlier to talk about how Drudge is a race baiter. If anyone says they read something on Drudge, they probably have no idea what they are talking about.

However, for some reason the press usually follows Drudge, because he speaks for the Conservative Base.

However, Gawker did a much better job than me.

Tricky Tricky

Wow, reading from this it looks like Jeremy Lott might know what he is talking about since he is the editor of the Capital Research Center!
but then you google Capital Research Center and get

Capital Research Center (CRC) is a conservative non-profit
organization that was founded in 1984 by Willa
Johnson ".......... The group opposes the growth of government-welfare
programs and promotes private sector alternatives. The CRC is commonly understood to pursue a right-wing

So, whenever you see someone who is writing for Research center or Foundation you never heard of, look it up. Usually it is owned by the Republican Party, and sometimes owned by the Democrats. Either way, take the information with a grain of salt.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Stay Classy Silent Majority

If only all those signs were votes, you might have a real voice in DC.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Top Ten #2 is the best

Wonkette on pre 911 America.


I admit, I am very envious of the snark abilities of Wonkette. 1st paragraph on pre 911 america is great.

Better History of South Carolina

Politico isn't the best newspaper in the world, and here is a much better article about silly SC pols.... I really didn't know about some of this stuff either. On the Whitehouse steps?

Good Morning! SC on the front page.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joe Wilson was wrong...

..in almost everything he said. However, if you turn the phrase just right, you can say that he might be somewhat not lying.
Which goes to show, things are hardly ever black and white, though we always search for that in politics.
But the key things is this, and this is in black and white... we are already paying for undocumented aliens, its not like the hospitals are going to let them die.

But don't pay me any attention, I will send you to the man I think is the best reporter out there (by meaning he is actually fair and balanced and looks at the facts) Jake Tapper


(what Joe Wilson saw according to Wonkette)

I probably look at too many political websites a day, but the one that's the most fun is Wonkette. Its pretty much "The Daily Show" of online political blogs, so if you want a good laugh check it out.

I am banned from posting politics on Facebook, so I will create a blog

The exact moment former SC Representative Joe Wilson made his speech, and the exact minute I knew I couldn't keep my views to myself.

Welcome to my new blog, no one will probably care to check it, but I have got to find a way to share ideas, and this is it! I am addicted to Politics, but just as I get tired of seeing pop ups for FarmTown on my Facebook, people were tired of my constant political updates. (And cute farmtown animals are not nearly as combative as posts ridiculing and besmirching someone's ideology over and over again)

In case your wondering, and somehow found this blog, Joe Wilson screamed liar during Obama's speech, which isn't done..ever. He has already been told to apologize by McCain, and Joe has already apologized, but his dem opponent Rob Miller is raising a bunch of money. (probably not as much as Joe is going to raise though) http://www.actblue.com/page/kossacks4miller

The end of my first post.

Feel free to be a ranting commenter below.