Thursday, September 17, 2009

He's got a point, maybe several

Words of Paul Rieckhoff, Director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, when he appeared on Real Time with Bill Maher recently: "...Our country has been divided since 9/11, really, and there's no more time for partisanship and bickering, especially in a time of war. When I was in the military, we weren't Republicans or Democrats. We were all united in defending our country. And if we do, god forbid, get hit again, the Republicans, Democrats, Communists, Socialists, everybody else and their mother need to get together and figure out how to defend this country and take care of each other. That's what I saw eight years ago today...And Glenn Beck can go to Afghanistan, too. I'm fine with that."
Further into the discussion: "Bill, if we want to send a message to the terrorists eight years later, how about fixing Ground Zero. I mean, it's eight years later and there's still a hole at Ground Zero. Every politician in this country beat on their chest and said how we are going to fight back and show them how resilient we are. I live in Manhattan. I live in New York City. We were incredibly affected just like everyone else, but there's still a hole there. And it's a testament to the bureaucratic inefficiency, the infighting, and the greed that has dominated our politics."


  1. I really like the part where he says Glenn Beck can go to Afghanistan..haha.

    But how can we find common ground to agree on if everthing from the other side is "no no no"?

  2. True. I have given up trying to present facts to people when they are ranting about facebook. They just come back with examples that seem to be something they heard on Fox News.

  3. oh...let me at them...i think i am pretty good at tearing people's Non-Reality Based Worlds up. haha
