Absolutely loved this video when I saw it. Action against homosexuals is just hate for hate's sake. Most people dont even know a homosexual or even ask questions to understand that homosexuality is a natural occurance in the world. Fundamentalists are the worst about, and I think its funny bc if they actually read their own bible they would see that there is more hate in that book than in their own hearts and brainwashed minds.
This is the blog a started a while back beacause I was to addicted to Politics. I was posting too much stuff on Facebook to people who really didn't care. I saw some other guy doing the same thing and notice who annoying he was. So i went to the blog.
Absolutely loved this video when I saw it. Action against homosexuals is just hate for hate's sake. Most people dont even know a homosexual or even ask questions to understand that homosexuality is a natural occurance in the world. Fundamentalists are the worst about, and I think its funny bc if they actually read their own bible they would see that there is more hate in that book than in their own hearts and brainwashed minds.